I finally did it! I finally found a way to exercise and get super fit that is actually FUN! Fitness is no stranger to me, as I have been devoted to keeping myself in good shape for many years. But the time came last year to dump my gym membership and blaze a new fitness trail for myself when I realized I was no longer a) seeing benefits of my same-old, same-old workout, and b) when I become so bored with the usual workout routine that I began to dread going to the gym.
I have seen firsthand how regular exercise can provide both physical and emotional benefits. Slogging through a divorce a decade ago resulted in high anxiety levels (along with high rage levels), and those thrice weekly workouts were my salvation. Not only was I able to work out the emotional stuff, but in the process I became much stronger physically. More recently, having suffered some devastating losses, I have found my workouts therapeutic as I wind through the stages of grief.
So, last fall I found a new gym and started a serious interval training regimen that is very challenging, and I am getting great results. As effective as it is, however, it lacked the fun factor--it is serious business. For 2016 I wanted to add a fun element to my fitness routine, so I wandered into a Zumba class and headed straight for the back row.
Who knew working out could be so much fun? Did I feel like an absolute idiot, struggling to follow the steps--heck, struggling to even move in the correct direction--yes! But there I was with a huge grin on my face, burning calories and having a blast. True, I resembled the Tin Man whose hips needed a few squirts of oil--how do these gals learn to swivel their hips like that?
Zumba (at least in my neck of the woods) is a fun blend of Salsa and hip-hop styles of dance. It is sexy, fun, and exhilerating. Now, after 5 classes, I am managing to not only follow along but also, to tell you the truth, kinda rocking it. So here are some of the benefits I have discovered about Zumba:
Dancing makes me smile. The combination of music and dance is a powerful mood booster! I had forgotten how much I love to dance, and the moves are bringing out the Portuguese in me. An hour of non-stop dancing revs up our endorphins, and the grin factor in a Zumba class is infectious. At this particular juncture of my life, smiles are a very, very good thing.
Zumba helps memory. Well, I'm not getting any younger, so anything that helps improve memory is a good thing. The effort that it takes to remember the steps (motivated by a sincere desire to avoid looking like a bumbling idiot) actually does work the ole memory muscle right along with the quads, gluts, and abs.
Zumba is never boring. Boredom can tank just about anyone's fitness routine. In order to reap the many benefits of exercise we actually do need to go to the gym (if that is your preferred venue for working out). What I appreciate about the Zumba classes is that they are always changing. Not only the dance routines, but there is also a variety of instructors who all have slightly different teaching and dancing styles.
So if you are looking for a way to spice up your workouts, find a Zumba class and get your groove on. Before you know it, you too may find yourself swiveling your hips like a pro, and getting your sexy vibe back as a result.